The Australian Friend
The Australian Friend is the official journal of The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Australia Inc. It has been continuously published since 1887. There are four issues per year, in March, June, September and December.
The Australian Friend is available free online to all readers. This includes the opportunity to comment on articles (comments are moderated before publication). A printed version is available to those Members of Australian Yearly Meeting who request it at no cost. Non-members who wish to obtain the printed version should contact for a price.
The online Australian Friend is under the care of New South Wales Regional Meeting.
BeFriending Creation
BeFriending Creation is the printed journal of Quaker Earthcare Witness. We also send a version of BeFriending Creation out to email subscribers. See the sidebar for a list of recent issues.
BeFriending Creation is published bi-monthly: January-February, March-April, May-June, July-August, September-October, and November-December.
We welcome submissions from our readers!
BLYM Newsletter
Religious Society of Friends (Belgium and Luxemburg)
Religieus Genootschap der Vrienden (België en Luxemburg)
Société Religieuse des Amis (Belgique et Luxembourg)
Religiöse Gesellschaft der Freunde (Belgien und Luxemburg)
Quakers Belgium and Luxemburg Yearly Meeting (BLYM) Newsletter is a bimonthly publication issued six times a year in which to share information and reflections that aid in your spiritual journey. It is currently distributed blind-copy to 300 Quaker addresses worldwide.
Contributions are encouraged from all Members, Attenders, Young Friends, and Children and are welcome in English, in Belgium’s three official languages (French, Dutch/Flemish, and German), and in a contributor’s native language.
In drafting a submission, contributors are invited to consider these two questions:
- Does it support my personal spiritual growth and that of others?
- Does it help build community inside or outside of Quaker society (faith in action)?
Submissions can be sent to Daniel Clarke Flynn, BLYM Newsletter Editor, by email daniel_flynn39 at yahoo dot com
The Canadian Friend
The Canadian Friend is the magazine of Canadian Yearly Meeting and is currently published four times a year to further the work and witness of the Religious Society of Friends in Canada. It is sent by group subscription to all interested members and regular attenders. Current and back issues are also available for download. For enquiries concerning submissions, advertising rates and details, contact the editor.
The Friend
Every week we provide you with news, features, personal stories, arts, humour and friendship. With the Friend you can keep up to date with contemporary Quaker thought and action.
The Friend is based in Britain and is published weekly. The editorial office is in London.
The Friend is completely independent from Britain Yearly Meeting and is owned by The Friend Publications Ltd, a charity that also publishes the Friends Quarterly. The trustees of the Friend are appointed from members of Britain Yearly Meeting and they hold their post for three years.
The Friend Publication Ltd’s key objectives are the production and publishing of a weekly newspaper and other literature for the benefit of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) for the purpose of propagating the religious teaching of that Society and of promoting interest in its work although not an official publication of the Society.
Friends Journal
Friends Publishing Corporation was founded in 1955 “for the purpose of promoting religious concerns of the Religious Society of Friends and the education and information of its members and others by means of the written or spoken word, including the publication of a magazine or magazines, pamphlets or other writings.” Friends Journal, the major publication of Friends Publishing Corporation, is the consolidation of two previous Quaker publications and corporations, Friends Intelligencer (Hicksite) and The Friend (Orthodox), at the time of reunification of the two yearly meetings in Philadelphia.
Friends Intelligencer was published from 1844 to 1955. The Friends Intelligencer Corporation was founded in 1933 “to publish a magazine, pamphlets and other writings for the purpose of promoting religious concerns of the Religious Society of Friends and the education and information of its members and others.”
The Friend was published from 1827 to 1955. The corporation, named “Contributors to the Friend, Inc.,” was founded in 1874 “to carry on the publication of the religious and literary journal known as The Friend and to publish such other material pertaining to the general field of the interests, practices, and beliefs of the Religious Society of Friends as may from time to time be determined by the Board of Managers.”
The Friends Quarterly
Friends Quarterly, as its name implies, is published four times a year for Quakers and those with an interest in Quakerism. It has been going for some 150 years. The Quarterly carries substantial articles, occupying the space between a weekly magazine and very formal academic journals. It has a subscription-based circulation of around 1,000, mainly in the UK but with a good number of international subscribers.
The subscription rate presently for international subscribers is £21 per annum. To enquire about a subscription or for other information email to
Fruit of the Vine
Fruit of the Vine is a devotional quarterly written primarily, but not exclusively, by Friends. Our writers come from many areas, ages, and experiences. We believe that each one has something to share that will minister to Fruit of the Vine’s readers; each unique point of view adds to the richness of our publication.
Effective devotionals usually contain examples or personal experiences to illustrate their themes. Such illustrations engage the reader and allow the work to be more persuasive. Devotionals often provide new insights on familiar ideas or passages, or acquaint the reader with the unfamiliar. They are Bible‐centered, challenging, and encouraging. Because Fruit of the Vine ministers to a diverse body of readers, we aim for content comprehensible and applicable to people of all ages and backgrounds.
New Foundation Fellowship
The purpose of the New Foundation Fellowship (NFF) is to proclaim the everlasting gospel that was preached by the apostles and by Early Friends. When we refer to Early Friends we mean the 17th century founders of the Religious Society of Friends, also known as Quakers, who believed that Christ had come to teach his people himself. George Fox, their leader, after a period of long seeking a source of power to resist temptation and to answer God’s call for righteousness, found that God dealt directly with him and led him to see Christ was the answer to his need.
The NFF is a gathering of people into a witness-bearing fellowship in which the rule of Christ is central, a revolutionary movement toward the reordering of human affairs based on the kingship of Christ. We have been influenced by Lewis Benson, a 20th century American Quaker and a scholar of Fox and the Bible, who began his quest because he saw that no Friends’ body of his day was living in the simplicity of the gospel, proclaiming that Christ is the head of the church and gathering in his name to be taught.
Pendle Hill Pamphlets
For more than 85 years, Pendle Hill has expanded understanding of Quaker life and witness through pamphlets and books. Each publication arises from the writer’s spiritual experience, religious concern, or special knowledge of an important contemporary theme. Every Pendle Hill pamphlet ever published since 1934, and almost every Pendle Hill book, is available for purchase from our bookstore or through our online store. In addition to being insightful and well-written, these materials help Friends and other interested individuals live our lives as expressions of our faith, serve our values, and learn about the Quaker way past and present.
German Yearly Meeting’s bi-monthly magazine, QUAEKER, is published six times a year and contains thoughts and reports from German YM – since 1925. Anyone can subscribe.
Quaker Life
Beginning June 2016 — subscribe to Quaker Life: a mosaic of Friendly Living. Four issues per year that will inspire, inform and teach you: inspire through devotional articles, photos, original art, poetry and essays; inform through stories of Friends around the world; and teach through spiritual journeys of Friends.
Types and Shadows
Types and Shadows is published quarterly by the Fellowship of Quakers in the Arts (FQA).
FQA publishes a biennial directory with information about members and their activities in the arts. The first edition, published in 1994, contained 61 listings, all but four from Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. The current edition shows how FQA has grown, with members from all over the US and Canada, as well as other countries. It is our hope that FQA will come to provide a network of mutual support for Friends in the arts, wherever they live.
In addition to the directory, members receive Types and Shadows, our quarterly journal/newsletter. Members are also entitled to participate in FQA-sponsored group shows and other arts events, and to a listing on our Links to Members’ Web Sites page.
The Fellowship of Quakers in the Arts is supported largely by membership contributions.
Universalist Friends
The Quaker Universalist Fellowship is an informal gathering of persons who cherish the spirit of universality that has always been intrinsic to the Quaker faith. We acknowledge and respect the diverse spiritual experience of those within our own meetings as well as of the human family worldwide; we are enriched by our conversation with all who search sincerely. Our mission includes publishing and providing speakers and opportunities for fellowship at regional and national Quaker gatherings.
Universalist Friends is published twice a year and pamphlets on an irregular schedule. All are free to on-line subscribers. These publications are available as web pages (HTML) for browsing, ebooks (PDF) for on-line reading, and pamphlets (booked PDF) for printing. Visit our website at to enter a free on-line subscription.
If you wish to receive printed copies of these publications by regular mail, send an annual subscription fee of $26.00 to QUF at our mailing address below. Selected past QUF publications are available free to our on-line subscribers. We will send available printed copies of past publications upon request and on payment of a fee.
Washington Newsletter
The bimonthly FCNL Washington Newsletter provides news and analysis for a selection of domestic and international issues with a primary focus on peace, disarmament, international cooperation, and social and economic justice.
Western Friend
Western Friend is published by the Friends Bulletin Corporation, an independent 501(c)3 non-profit corporation established jointly by Pacific, North Pacific and Intermountain Yearly Meetings. While Western Friend is the official publication of these three Yearly Meetings, the opinions expressed within the magazine and on this website are those of the authors, not of the Meetings. Board of Directors for Friends Bulletin Corporation comprises three members from each of the three Yearly Meetings. The board meets three times a year, rotating between the regions of the Yearly Meetings. Each board meeting is typically hosted by a local Friends Meeting, and local Friends are encouraged to visit with the board and staff!
What Canst Thou Say?
What Canst Thou Say? is an independent publication cooperatively produced by Friends who have felt the movement of the Spirit and wish to deepen their understanding of it by interacting with others who also have had experiences of the Divine. Issues contain stories of mystical experience and the growth that comes through contemplative practice. WCTS has been produced since 1994 and is published quarterly in February, May, August, and November.