By Nancy L. Haines
Illustrated by Anne E. G. Nydam
How can children work cooperatively to make decisions? Approved! A Story About Quaker Meeting for Business tells of a group of children who want to donate the money they earned selling hot dogs at their Quaker meeting. The story uses simple, clear language and charming artwork to introduce Quaker process, highlighting
•The role of the clerk and recording clerk
•Reporting to meeting for business
•Participating in spiritual discernment
•Identifying the sense of the meeting
•Writing and approving minutes
•Working together as a community
Approved! includes additional tools for Quaker meetings, schools, and camps to help children learn the basics of Quaker process including queries, a glossary, and a brief overview of junior meeting for business at Wellesley Monthly Meeting in Massachusetts.
“Oh this is so exciting and wonderful! I am really, really excited—and grateful—about this. Thank you again and again! I can see this being used in lots of settings, including in Friends’ schools where most children and teachers have not had the experience of being part of a Quaker Meeting.”
Gretchen Baker-Smith, NEYM Junior Yearly Meeting Retreats Coordinator
Nancy L. Haines has served as clerk for Wellesley Meeting as well as numerous committees at her meeting, yearly meeting, and Friends General Conference. She and her husband offer leadership training workshops for high school and adult clerks.
Anne E. G. Nydam is the author and illustrator of books for children about adventure, creativity, and looking for the best in others and the world. She loves working with block prints and collage. She is also a member of Wellesley Meeting. See more of her work at
Available from Amazon, Quaker Books of FGC, and from the author