El Espiritu Se Levanta: Voces Jovenes Cuaqueras

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translated by Emma Condori Mamani
edited by: Angelina Conti, Cara Curtis, C. Wed Daniels, Harriet Hart, Sarah Katreen Hoggatt, Evelyn Jadin, John Epur Lomuria, Emma Condori Mamani, Katrina MQuail, and Rachel Ann Miller

Este libro celebra, critica, cuestiona, y refleja sobre la experiencia de la fe cuaquera. Esta coleccion de escritura y arte grafico fue creada por adolescentes y jovenes adultos cuaqueros de todo el mundo y de toda la amplia gama teologica y cultural de la Sociedad Religiosa de los Amigos. — This is the Spanish translation of “Spirit Rising: Young Quaker Voices,” an anthology of writing and art by Quaker teens and young adults worldwide.

The contributors in this volume challenge and inspire, as they witness to and celebrate Quakerism as it has been, as it is, and as it could yet be. The voices here come together in a symphony, cacophonous but also deeply resonant. Listen and you will hear that their Spirit – here called by many names – is undeniably rising.

Quakers Uniting in Publications 2014